Food Safety Stock Library

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These files are arranged by food safety step. The files contain both images and short video clips of the topics described.


In these files, you’ll find images of digital thermometers and text, along with burgers (both turkey and beef), chicken, salmon and frittata.

Food Safety Step and Corresponding Text to Use:

Cook until internal temperature reaches XX (fill in the blank and include chart with specific foods) on food thermometer.

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Choose between two different hand models. The clips in these files are short and intended for use in a recipe video. For handwashing instructions and videos, click here.

Food Safety Step and Corresponding Text to Use:

Wash hands with soap and water. (Include this at beginning of recipe and after each touch of raw meats, poultry, seafood or eggs).

zip file iconDownload Handwashing Zip file


We’ve done the work for you by adding food safety messages on topics like not reusing marinades and not rinsing meat or poultry. There are also images of washing cutting boards, utensils and counters.

Food Safety Step and Corresponding Text to Use:


Choose from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, including apples, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, lettuce, green beans, onions, potatoes, and more! 

Food Safety Step and Corresponding Text to Use:

Gently rub produce under cold running water.

Scrub firm produce with a clean vegetable brush under running water.

zip file iconDownload Produce Zip Files


Say NO to eating raw batter and raw dough! Choose between raw cake batter or raw cookie dough.

Food Safety Step and Corresponding Text to Use:

Do not eat raw dough.

Do not eat raw batter.

zip file iconDownload Baking Zip File

Click here for the Food Safety Stock Library Content License Agreement.

We ask that you consider making a donation if you access these files. Your support will help us maintain and keep these resources free of charge for anyone to access.


For questions about the Food Safety Image Library, email Please allow one business day for us to get back to you.

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